About USAID and Australia
Mekong Safeguards

Mission and Vision

About USAID and Australia Mekong Safeguards

Mission and Vision

Our Team


Winston Chow

Chief of Party


Thanawat (Yok) Keereepart

Deputy Chief of Party


Joost Siteur

Senior Advisor


Boonthida (Kam) Parnnui

Senior Program Officer & Social Safeguards Specialist


Derin Henderson

Director - Lao PDR, Vietnam, Cambodia & Myanmar

Atiphan (Mai) Asavaphanlert

Regional Finance Manager


Pattarawan (Yui) Ucharatna

Senior MEL Specialist


Nuttawut (Plan) Chuenarom

Energy & Climate Program Manager

Patana (A) Surawatanapongs

Clean Energy Infrastructure Investment Director


Marisna (Nina) Yulianti

Senior GESI Specialist

Chutima (Err) Chavanavesskul

Project Finance Specialist


Phurichaya (Satang) Detanan

Government Relations and Public Policy Specialist


Pitoon (PJ) Junthip

Senior Power Sector Planning Specialist


Srijana Bhattarai

Social Safeguards Expert

Sukumarn (Prae) Jittapalapong

Senior Communications Specialist

Thanyalak (Opal) Liamsombat

Program Associate

Our Team


Boonthida (Kam) Parnnui

Senior Program Officer & Social Safeguards Specialist


Derin Henderson

Director - Lao PDR, Vietnam, Cambodia & Myanmar


Joost Siteur

Senior Advisor


Winston Chow

Chief of Party


Nuttawut (Plan) Chuenarom

Energy & Climate Program Manager

Patana (A) Surawatanapongs

Clean Energy
Investment Director


Pattarawan (Yui) Ucharatna

Senior MEL Specialist

Chutima (Err) Chavanavesskul

Project Finance


Phurichaya (Satang) Detanan

Government Relations and Public Policy Specialist


Pitoon (PJ) Junthip

Senior Power Sector Planning Specialist


Srijana Bhattarai

Social Safeguards


Thanawat (Yok) Keereepart

Deputy Chief of Party


Marisna (Nina) Yulianti

Senior GESI Specialist


Atiphan (Mai) Asavaphanlert​

Regional Finance Manager

Sukumarn (Prae) Jittapalapong

Senior Communications Specialist​

Image (1)

Thanyalak (Opal) Liamsombat​

Program Associate

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© 2024 The Asia Foundation. The Mekong Safeguards InfoLab website is made possible by the support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Australian Government through the Mekong-Australia Partnership. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the website manager or managers and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID, the United States Government, or the Australian Government.

News updates are compiled from miscellaneous public sources and provided for information purposes only. The USAID and Australia Mekong Safeguards Program is not necessarily involved in these developments and assumes no responsibility with respect to the accuracy of the information provided.

Mekong Safeguards has adopted policies to prevent human trafficking, child exploitation or abuse, and sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment in the implementation of all its activities. To read more, please visit our Policies page.

Subscribe to our newsletter

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© 2023 The Asia Foundation. The Mekong Safeguards InfoLab website is made possible by the support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Australian Government through the Mekong-Australia Partnership. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the website manager or managers and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID, the United States Government, or the Australian Government.
News updates are compiled from miscellaneous public sources and provided for information purposes only. The USAID and Australia Mekong Safeguards Program is not necessarily involved in these developments and assumes no responsibility with respect to the accuracy of the information provided.
Mekong Safeguards has adopted policies to prevent human trafficking, child exploitation or abuse, and sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment in the implementation of all its activities. To read more, please visit our Policies page.