Where We Work

Where we work

Where We Work

Where we work


Our work in Vietnam tackles the environmental and social impacts from hydropower projects on community livelihoods. There are over 800 small and medium hydropower projects in the planning or construction phases in Vietnam, but the environmental and social risks of these projects have not been adequately considered in the planning process. Working in collaboration with a research team from the Centre for Sustainable Development of Water Resources and Climate Change Adaptation (CEWAREC), our evidence-based research will be used to provide policy recommendations and mitigation measures to protect communities and their livelihoods in Vietnam, as well as downstream impacts that may affect communities in neighboring Lao PDR. Successful implementation of this compliance study and strengthening safeguards related to livelihoods of vulnerable populations offers replicable best practices and case studies for scale-up across the region. 

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© 2024 The Asia Foundation. The Mekong Safeguards InfoLab website is made possible by the support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Australian Government through the Mekong-Australia Partnership. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the website manager or managers and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID, the United States Government, or the Australian Government.

News updates are compiled from miscellaneous public sources and provided for information purposes only. The USAID and Australia Mekong Safeguards Program is not necessarily involved in these developments and assumes no responsibility with respect to the accuracy of the information provided.

Mekong Safeguards has adopted policies to prevent human trafficking, child exploitation or abuse, and sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment in the implementation of all its activities. To read more, please visit our Policies page.

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© 2023 The Asia Foundation. The Mekong Safeguards InfoLab website is made possible by the support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Australian Government through the Mekong-Australia Partnership. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the website manager or managers and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID, the United States Government, or the Australian Government.
News updates are compiled from miscellaneous public sources and provided for information purposes only. The USAID and Australia Mekong Safeguards Program is not necessarily involved in these developments and assumes no responsibility with respect to the accuracy of the information provided.
Mekong Safeguards has adopted policies to prevent human trafficking, child exploitation or abuse, and sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment in the implementation of all its activities. To read more, please visit our Policies page.